Policies and strategies (11)

CARE Rwanda sits on the foundations of government, public and NGO policies and strategies, that ensure that its work and practice are of the highest standards. Find out more here: 

This Gender Policy defines CARE International's global commitments to support gender equality and the principles expressed in these international agreements. The accompanying implementation guideline sets out mechanisms and minimum common standards for all CARE members and Country Offices. This policy statement therefore strives to make our collective programming efforts more effective, builds on commitments made in the existing Policy Statements and reflects subsequent developments in gender equality policies of development organizations working to end poverty and social injustice. It thereby sets the stage for increased accountability.

For further information, please see the attachment to read the entire policy.


The Government of Rwanda's Early Childhood Development Policy outlines the services that need to be provided in order to ensure the progress of their ECD strategic plan.

Services for infants, young children, parents, legal guardians and other caregivers must address the needs of the child in a holistic manner. It is not possible for any one sector working alone to meet all of the complex requirements and needs of the young. It is essential that all sectors of government and society work together to support the holistic development of young children, while supporting their parents and legal guardians in their role of primary caregivers. A strong public-private and civil society partnership is an essential factor to achieve this vital objective. 

For further information, please see the attachment to read the entire policy.


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The Integrated Early Childhood Development Strategic Plan aims to create a framework for the Government of Rwanda's goals to improve the development of early childhood. 

For further information, please see the attachment for the entire strategic plan.

The growth of any economy depends on capital accumulation, which in turn depends on investment and an equivalent amount of savings to match it. Two of the most important issues in development economics and for developing countries are how to stimulate investment and increase the level of saving to fund increased investment. Understanding the determinants of the aggregate savings rate is a crucial prerequisite in designing a number of policy interventions; from the design of the tax and social security system to the layout of financial markets regulations. It is therefore not surprising that the analysis of saving behaviour has become one of the central issues in empirical macroeconomics.

CARE Rwanda uses this mobilization strategy to help promote financial inclusion within local communities for models such as their Village Savings and Loans Model.

Please see the attachment to read the entire strategy plan.

The Government of Rwanda's Vision 2020 policy on Umurenge - An Integrated Local Development Program to Accelerate Poverty Eradication, Rural Growth, and Social Protection - helps leverage technical and financial assistance to accelerate the rate of poverty reduction. Under Vision 2020, this policy aims to reduce extreme poverty by 2020.

Through these policy aims, CARE Rwanda finds support for their financial education and support projects. 

Please see the attachment to read the whole policy. 

According to the Rwandan Ministry of Education, the education of all children is an important responsibility that needs to be upheld the growth and social development of a nation. Due to previous gender biases, the education of girls has often been neglected and restricted, but the government has recognized that girls education is equally imortant because it will yield high socio-economic profits for an entire population. Through MINEDUC's policies, CARE Rwanda has the ability to empower girls in vulnerable conditions. Their education is a pivotol aspect to ensuring that CARE Rwanda's programs work efficiently and effectively. 

Please see the attachment to read the entire policy.